Job Profiling
- Performance Indicators– will be provided by your organization
- Job Descriptions – will be provided by your organization
- Demographics– will be provided by your organization
- Seniority in company
- Seniority in last job
- Level of foreign language profficiency
- Department
- Position
- Name of manager
- Place in hierarchy
- Function
- Demographics – will be provided by TMCO
- Gender
- Age
- Last education level completed
- Last position
- Last sector
- Last proffesion
- Experience years in last position
- Birth city
- Orpheus Business Personality results
- 4 audit scales
- 5 personality factors
- 7 integrity scales
- Raven’s Progressive Matrices results
- Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appriasal result
- Recognize Assumptions result
- Evaluate Arguments result
- Draw Conclusions result
Job profiling is an analysis
process of identifying the
content of a job including
the attributes or job
requirements needed to
perform the work function.
Job analysis is key to any job
architecture process of the
organisation, if the
foundation is not solid, there
is a risk for all other
processes in the human
resources value chain.
The job profile will be
created for each position
within your organization (eg
accounting manager, sales
representative, marketing
specialist, etc.).
Job Performance
Job performance assesses whether a person performs a job well. Job
performance, studied academically as part of industrial and organizational
psychology, also forms a part of human resources management. Performance is an
important criterion for organizational outcomes and success.
Organizational goal relevance
Another key feature of job performance is that it has to be goal relevant.
Performance must be directed toward organizational goals that are relevant to
the job or role. Therefore, performance does not include activities where effort
is expended toward achieving peripheral goals. For example, the effort put
toward the goal of getting to work in the shortest amount of time is not
performance (except where it is concerned with avoiding lateness).
Despite the emphasis on defining and predicting job performance, it is not a
single unified construct. There are vastly many jobs each with different
performance standards. Job performance consists of more than one kind of
1. The first factor is task specific behaviors which include those behaviors that an
individual undertakes as part of a job. They are the core substantive tasks that
delineate one job from another.
2. On the other hand, non-task specific behaviors, the second factor, are those
behaviors which an individual is required to undertake which do not pertain only
to a particular job.
3. Written and oral communication tasks refer to activities where the incumbent
is evaluated, not on the content of a message necessarily, but on the adeptness
with which they deliver the communication. Employees need to make formal and
informal oral and written presentations to various audiences in many different
jobs in the work force.
4. An individual's performance can also be assessed in terms of effort, either day
to day, or when there are extraordinary circumstances. This factor reflects the
degree to which people commit themselves to job tasks.
5. The performance domain might also include an aspect of personal discipline.
Individuals would be expected to be in good standing with the law, not abuse
alcohol, etc.
6. In jobs where people work closely or are highly interdependent, performance
may include the degree to which a person helps out the groups and his or her
colleagues. This might include acting as a good role model, coaching, giving
advice or helping maintain group goals.
7. Many jobs also have a supervisory or leadership component. The individual will
be relied upon to undertake many of the things delineated under the previous
factor and in addition will be responsible for meting out rewards and
punishments. These aspects of performance happen in a face to face manner.
8. Managerial and administrative performance entails those aspects of a job
which serve the group or organization but do not involve direct supervision. A
managerial task would be setting an organizational goal or responding to external
stimuli to assist a group in achieving its goals. In addition a manager might be
responsible for monitoring group and individual progress towards goals and
monitoring organizational resources.
Results of Personnel psychology
A meta-analysis of selection methods in personnel psychology found that general
mental ability was the best overall predictor of job performance and training
performance. While intelligence (general mental ability) is the strongest known
predictor of job performance, that is less true for fields that are information-rich
and require much instructional learning. Conscientiousness is another good
predictor but correlates with intelligence and is sometimes excluded from metaanalyses.
In order to conduct a meta-analysis for your organization, it is necessary to gather
relevant data and find outcomes that will bring high performance in your organization.